Don't know where to and how to use Cream Cheese?
Don't worry we provide you with some ideas to use it.
Uses of Cream Cheese
1 Miso spread - Cover a block of cream cheese with miso and cure it for a few days for an exceptional and unusual two-ingredient spread.
2 With sardines - Blend cream cheese with jalapeños and serve on crackers topped with sardines and green olives for a retro-fabulous hors d’oeuvre.
3 Soup - Make pureed soups—such as this broccoli one—both creamy and tangy by adding a bit of cream cheese.
4 Mac and cheese - Scatter cubes of cream cheese on top of your mac and cheese before baking to make it extra luscious.
5 Moussaka - Use cream cheese as a béchamel shortcut when making this classic Greek casserole.
6 Pasta sauce - Toss cream cheese with hot pasta to make an instant cream sauce.
7 Ice cream - Use just a little cream cheese to give homemade ice cream extra bite.
8 Pastry dough - Use cream cheese in an easy dough for strudel, a gluten-free pie dough or a versatile tart crust.
9 Brownies Blend - cream cheese with an egg yolk and sugar to swirl on top of brownies before baking.
10 Puff pastry filling - Stuff cream cheese and some guava paste into store-bought puff pastry for an insanely delicious quick-prep dessert.